Research Day

The annual forum for departmental research in obstetrics and gynaecology

Four trainees chatting against purple background

About the event

Our annual Research Day is the main forum to share and celebrate departmental research in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. The full-day event involves approximately 100 presenters and attracts over 300 attendees. It is held in a venue near “hospital row” in Toronto, drawing participants affiliated with the Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN).

The event begins with the prestigious Henderson Lecture, delivered by a globally recognized leader in the ob-gyn field, providing attendees with a valued perspective on the discipline. We are excited to announce that Dr. Roberto Romero will be giving this year's lecture.

All ob-gyn faculty and trainees are welcome to attend this free event. You must register in advance.

Research Day
Friday, May 2, 2025
Arcadian Court, 401 Bay Street
Simpson Tower, 8th floor

Register today

If you have questions, contact us at  

A row of attendees

Agenda is coming soon!

Check back in early 2025 for full schedule. See past events.

Attendees gathering and chatting

Sponsor the event

Offered for the first time! See our flyer (PDF) for details and contact info on our limited number of sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.

About the presentations

The presenters throughout the day are ob-gyn trainees: medical students, residents, graduate students, fellows and post-doctoral fellows. They present their research, in a range of subjects, in breakout sessions or at the podium in the main room. Breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks provide ample networking opportunities.

Those who present are eligible for the JW Knox Ritchie Research Awards for best presentation in various categories. The event concludes with a reception and awards presentation.

About the Henderson Lecture 

The D. Nelson Henderson Lectureship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology was established in 1965 through the generosity of the Henderson family in honour of Dr. Donald Nelson Henderson, a highly respected clinician-scientist and eminent member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Toronto General Hospital from 1930-1965.

How to become a presenter

Deadline to register as a presenter (January 31) has now passed.

Presenter eligibility requirements

To present at Research Day, you must be: 

  • A trainee of a research supervisor affiliated with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Toronto.  The supervisor can be a primary or cross-appointed faculty member. Trainees are residents, clinical fellows, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, or summer/undergraduate students.
  • The primary author of the research, and have performed the majority of the research to be presented.  
  • Available to attend Research Day and present the work in person

You are in general allowed to submit only one abstract as the first/presenting author. A trainee may submit multiple abstracts for consideration if both: 

  • The submitted abstracts are on unrelated projects and
  • The supervisory teams are different.  

For research that is sufficiently advanced, we encourage you to request a main podium presentation. There are a limited number of podium presentations; the abstracts of those who wish to be considered will be reviewed by the research committee-at-large. You should discuss this option first with your research supervisor.  Please note that only one trainee of a given supervisor can be selected for a podium presentation.

The three presentation formats

Main podium

These are eight-minute Powerpoint presentations, followed by a five-minute Q&A session, given on the main stage to all attendees. There are a limited number of slots available. Abstracts of those who wish to be considered are selected by the research committee-at-large.

Breakout session

Presenters will be asked to provide a limited number of Powerpoint slides to deliver a five-minute presentation, which will be followed by a three-minute Q&A session. These presentations will occur in the breakout sessions.

Video (for faculty as well as trainees)

Trainees or faculty members may submit more than one video for consideration, though only one video will be selected per author. Follow these guidelines when submitting a video:

  • Video presentations must be edited and narrated in English
  • A written summary of no more than 150 words must accompany the submission
  • Hospital protocol for video recording with patient consent must have been followed
  • Videos can be no longer than eight minutes, including titles and narrative
Panorama of all attendees