Application Guidelines and Document Checklist

If you have also applied to the U.S match through the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP), please be advised that the University of Toronto is a participating institution and adheres to the match policy. The policy states that "Applicants who have matched to a program or have accepted a position during the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), shall not apply for, discuss, interview for, or accept a concurrent year position in another program prior to the NRMP granting the requested waiver." More information is accessible on the Match Participation Agreement document.

Our Department offers a variety of Fellowship Programs!

General Guidelines for Fellowship Applications 

Applicants are required to complete the Application Form (PDF) and submit it to the respective Fellowship Program Director.

Learner Resources

Visit the Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) website for key online resources.

Application Process and Submission Format

  • Applicants submit all required documentation to the Fellowship Program Director in electronic format.
  • Fellowship Program Director reviews the application and process through PGME Online Appointment Tracking System (OATS)
  • Vice-Chair Education reviews application and, if complete, processes through OATS for acceptance.


Applicants and Fellowship Directors should ensure the application package is complete. Incomplete applications are returned and may severely delay the processing of the appointment. 


Applicants should submit the complete application prior to the deadline, which varies for individual programs. No applications will be accepted beyond program application deadline date.


Applicants should allow sufficient time for processing an application: 

  • 1-3 months for Canadian applicants
  • 5-6 months for international applicants 

Application Progress

The University and the Department will communicate with applicants throughout the appointment process and until all University, licensure and immigration approvals are obtained.

Registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)

Applicants accepted by the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology for a Fellowship are required to apply for a certificate of registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). It is recommended not to apply to CPSO until official confirmation from the Postgraduate Medical Education Office, University of Toronto is received. 
Details relating to the CPSO can be found here

Pre-Entry Assessment Program (PEAP)

All internationally-trained physicians are required to undergo the 4-12-week Pre-Entry Assessment Program (PEAP) and obtain a PEAP certificate of licensure prior to full acceptance into an Ontario fellowship. You can download the PEAP form here.  

For further information, please visit the Pre-Entry Assessment Program (PEAP) webpage.

Security Requirements

Security Requirements for International PGME Trainees in Canada

See the PGME website for further information regarding fellowship training.