
Our Network is a part of many ongoing research projects to better the quality of care for women and babies locally and around the world. Here are some of those projects:

  1. Invasive Placentation Delphi Survey
  2. Management of Short Cervix and Previous Preterm Birth
  3. Post Partum Hemorrhage Bundle
  4. Routine Cervical Screening Protocol
  5. Shoulder Dystocia
  6. Documentation of and for Repair of 3rd Degree Tears
  7. Timing of Delivery in Women with Preexisting Hypertension
  8. A Customized Standard to Assess Fetal Growth in a Canadian Population
  9. Is the Risk of Gestational Diabetes Increased in Multiple Gestations?
  10. Is Caesarean Section During the Second Stage of Labour Associated with Increased Risk of Preterm Birth in Subsequent Pregnancy?
  11. The Relationship Between Pre-gravid Mass Index and Pregnancy Outcome in Twin Pregnancies
  12. Neonatal Outcomes by Mode of Delivery in Women with Morbid Obesity: trial of Labor Compared with Planned Cesarean Delivery