Adrian Brown

Dr. Brown is an Obstetrician-Gynaecologist at North York General Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and an Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Toronto. He is the former Chief of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Medical Program Director of the Maternal Newborn Program at North York General Hospital (2010-2017) and the inaugural Director of Distributed Medical Education at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto (2007-2010).
A graduate of the University of Toronto Medical School (1990, Valedictorian) and Obstetrics and Gynaecology Residency Training Program (1995), he has won numerous teaching awards at the undergraduate at postgraduate levels and remains passionate about teaching and learning.
A founding member of the Southern Ontario Obstetrical Network (S.O.O.N.), his interests are in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety and he has a certificate in this area from the University of Toronto’s Centre of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety and a Master’s Certificate from the Schulich School of Business at York University in Physician Leadership.
If he had a mantra, it would be “reflect more, deflect less”.
Research Synopsis
Research by Dr. Brown can be found under the citation Brown ARH.