Advanced Gynaecologic Surgery

Updated: February 20, 2025

Program directors

Ally Murji MD, MPH, FRCSC
Chief and Medical Director, Women’s and Children’s Program, Trillium Health Partners 
Division Head of Minimally Invasive Gynaecologic Surgery (MIGS)
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Toronto


M. Jonathon Solnik, MD MBA FACOG FACS
Head of Gynaecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Sinai Health System & Women’s College Hospital
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Toronto 


Application Deadline: Submit Application Form between June 17 – August 15 of each year. This program is part of the CanSAGE matching process.

Please send any questions to Judy Jorge:

At the current time, we are only accepting applications from Canadian-trained graduates.

To All Applicants:

If you have also applied to the U.S match through the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP), please be advised that the University of Toronto is a participating institution and adheres to the match policy. The policy states that "Applicants who have matched to a program or have accepted a position during the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), shall not apply for, discuss, interview for, or accept a concurrent year position in another program prior to the NRMP granting the requested waiver." More information is accessible at

Program Information 

Mount Sinai Hospital is offering a two-year Fellowship in advanced gynecologic surgery.  This training program will give trainees further expertise with the medical and surgical gynecological care of women. The program will also allow the trainee to engage in clinical research in a related area of interest.  We will accept one fellow per year such that at any given time there will be a senior and junior fellow.  Our goal is to train academic surgeons who are committed to advancing the field of gynecological surgery.

Our program in Advanced Pelvic Surgery at Sinai Health System and Women’s College Hospital is a relatively young program that began as a one-year fellowship in 2016 and has evolved into a two-year curriculum now consisting of two junior fellows and one senior fellow. Our goal is to provide our fellows with the knowledge and skills to advanced women’s health, focusing on surgical expertise and academic potential. For this reason, we have expanded the program to allow for further professional growth. Each fellow typically spends three to four days per week in the operating room, and one to two days in the office or dedicated to protected research time.

They are exposed to a wide range of reproductive pathology as a result of our six fellowship-trained faculty who have varying clinical and research interests – which include surgical and non-surgical therapies focusing on deeply infiltrating endometriosis, AUB, uterine fibroids, pelvic pain and neuropelveology (the only site in Canada), low grade reproductive cancers, invasive placentation (greatest number of cases at a single center in Canada), Müllerian anomalies and Pediatric Gynaecology.

There is no shortage of surgical volume – we have two neighbouring sites: Mount Sinai Hospital and Women’s College Hospital (WCH). WCH is the first and only independent, academic ambulatory care hospital in Ontario with a primary focus on the health of women. During the first year, our fellows attend specialty clinics approximately once a week. During the second year, they are given more responsibility and act as independent clinicians, with a fellow clinic that is held twice monthly, and a day in the OR where they are the most responsible person. We are in the process of developing more organized elective time during their second year, tailored to their needs and interest.

The goal of our fellowship is to train leaders and academics in gynecology. We place significant emphasis on protected time for academic activities (masters coursework and research endeavors). In the short time since our fellowship was established, we have seen tremendous growth and development. We are proud of our fellows and their accomplishments. With ongoing guidance and mentorship from our faculty, our fellows have presented and published quality and original research. As a result, they have been recognized nationally and internationally for their work. Our fellows have also engaged in leadership and advocacy work with CanSAGE and SOGC.


Surgical: Three to four (3-4) days per week will be spent in the operating room. Our Division has six fellowship-trained minimally invasive gynecologic surgeons who operate at one of two sites. (Mount Sinai Hospital and Women’s College Hospital). The fellow will be trained in complex pelvic surgery (laparoscopic management of deeply infiltrating endometriosis (including use of laser), neuropelveology, internal iliac/uterine artery ligation, laparoscopic and mini-laparotomic myomectomy, all forms of laparoscopic hysterectomy and exposure to pelvic reconstructive procedures. The fellow will also be trained in advanced intra-uterine surgery and Müllerian anomalies (hysteroscopic myomectomy [electrosurgical and mechanical], endometrial ablation [including global endometrial ablation technique], management of Asherman’s Syndrome and symptomatic isthmocoele (Cesarean scar niche). Fellows will also have opportunity to participate in the management of surgical obstetrics including the management of patients with invasive placenta (approximately 24 patients with percreta/increta per year) and Cesarean-scar ectopic pregnancies.

Research: Half to one (0.5- 1) day per week will be spent on academic productivity. The fellow will be expected to have at least two peer-reviewed publications and two video abstracts during their fellowship and present at Departmental Research Day and at a national/international conference. The fellow will be mentored by staff who are trained in clinical epidemiology/research/quality improvement. They will receive instruction on how to edit surgical videos to be used for education and submission to national/international conferences and to propose research concepts and see project(s) to completion/presentation and publication.

Clinical: Maximum two days per week will be spent in a variety of ambulatory clinics. This will include a fellow-specific clinic (approximately two half-days per month).


Current, Incoming and Past Fellows

Current Fellows

  • Andrew Zakhari (2018-2020)
    Residency – McGill University
    Masters in Global Surgery (University in British Columbia)
    Upon graduating – hopes to return to Montreal
  • Wilson Chang (2019-2021)
    Residency – University of Calgary
  • Darl Edwards (2019-2021)
    Residency – University of Toronto

Incoming Fellows

Coming soon!

Past Fellows

  • Ari Sanders (2017-2019)
    Residency – University of Calgary
    Masters in Science System Leadership & Innovation (IHPME, Toronto)
    Currently staff at University of Calgary
  • Jessica Papillon-Smith (2016-2018)
    Residency – McGill University
    Completed a Masters in Education (Johns Hopkins University)
    Currently Staff at McGill University
  • Lea Luketic (2016)
    Residency – McMaster University
    Completed a Masters in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (Queens University)
    Currently Staff St. Joseph’s Hospital, McMaster University

Fellows Activities and Awards

Fellows’ Academic Productivity since Fellowship Established (2016)

  • 14 National or International Research Awards
  • 42 presentations at National or International Conferences
  • 16 peer-review publications
    • 7 in journals with impact factor >4.5 (eg. CMAJ, Fertil Steril, Green J)
    • 7 in journals with impact factor 3-4.5 (eg. JMIG, surgical endoscopy)
    • 2 in JOGC


  • Best Oral Presentation: Returning to Work After Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy. Canadian Society for the Advancement of Gynecologic Excellence 4th Annual Conference. (Ari – Sept 2019)
  • Best Video Abstract: Uterine Artery Occlusion at Myomectomy Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada – 75th Annual Clinical & Scientific Conference. (Andrew June 2019)
  • Best of 3 Video Presentation: Internal Iliac Artery Ligation: A Step Wise Approach Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada – 74th Annual Clinical & Scientific Conference. (Ari – June 2019)
  • Top Oral Research Presentation:  Surgical Outcomes Following Uterine Artery Occlusion at Myomectomy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Canadian Society for the Advancement of Gynecologic Excellence – 3rd Annual Conference (Ari Sept 2018)
  • Top Poster Presentation: Reproductive Outcomes Following Uterine Artery Occlusion at Myomectomy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Canadian Society for the Advancement of Gynecologic Excellence – 3rd Annual Conference. (Ari  - Sept 2018)
  • Best Video Abstract. Removing IUD in pregnancy. AAGL Hysteroscopy summit (Ari - July 2018)
  • Best Video Abstract. Hysterscopic Repair of Caesarean Scar Isthmocele. Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada – 74th Annual Clinical & Scientific Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. (Ari – June 2018)
  • Best Video Abstract Presentation. Managing the Adherent Bladder at the Time of Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy. Canadian Society for the Advancement of Gynecologic Excellence – 2nd Annual Conference. Montreal, (Jessica – September 2017)
  • People’s Choice Award – Best Overall Project. Canadian OBGYN Residents: Are They Ready for Independent Practice? National Survey of Graduating Residents– 2nd Annual Conference. Montreal QC. (Jessica- September 2017)
  • Top 5 Oral Presentation. Canadian OBGYN Residents: Are They Ready for Independent Practice? National Survey of Graduating Residents– 2nd Annual Conference. Montreal, QC. (Jessica – September 2017)
  • Best of Three Video Presentation. Vasopressin in Gynecological Procedures. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada – 73rd Annual Clinical & Scientific Conference. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.(Jessica – June 2017
  • Best of Three Video Presentation. Cystoscopy In A World Without Indigo Carmine. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada - 72nd Annual Clinical & Scientific Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Lea – June 2016)
  • Best of Five Video Presentation. Cesaerean Scar Pregnancy. 1st Annual Canadian Symposium on Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Lea – April 2016)
  • Best of Three Oral Presentation. Does Ulipristal Acetate Objectively Affect Surgical Experience at Laparoscopy Myomectomy. 1st Annual Canadian Symposium on Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Lea – April 2016)