Urogynaecology - Mount Sinai Hospital

Last Updated on Jun 2, 2017 JG

Program Director:
Dr. Danny Lovatsis
Staff, Division of Urogynaecology, Mount Sinai Hospital
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Toronto

Dr. D. Lovatsis
Tel: (416) 586-4566
Email: Danny.Lovatsis@sinaihealth.ca

Application Deadline: Submit Application Form by May 30th of each year 

To All Applicants:

If you have also applied to the U.S match through the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP), please be advised that the University of Toronto is a participating institution and adheres to the match policy. The policy states that "Applicants who have matched to a program or have accepted a position during the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), shall not apply for, discuss, interview for, or accept a concurrent year position in another program prior to the NRMP granting the requested waiver." More information is accessible at http://www.nrmp.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2018-MPA-Specialities-Matching-Service.pdf.

Program Information 

The fellowship program includes the Unit at Mount Sinai Hospital with three full-time academic Urogynaecologists, Drs. Danny Lovatsis, May Alarab, and Colleen McDermott. Dr. Nucelio Lemos is also part of the Urogynaecology staff with additional expertise in Minimally Invasive Gynaecologic Surgery (MIGS) and Neuropelveology.  Dr. Phaedra Diamond is also part of the Urogynaecology Program and is located at Rough Valley Health System (Centenary Site).

The University of Toronto Postgraduate Training Program in Urogynaecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery collaborates with the academic departments of:

  • Urology - Drs. Sender Herschorn and Leslie Carr at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Drs. Sidney Radomski, Magdy Hassouna and Dean Elterman at the University Health Network (Western Division);
  • Colo-Rectal Surgery - Dr. Marcus Burnstein at St. Michael's Hospital;
  • Gastroenterology - Dr. Louis Liu at the University Health Network (Western Division);
  • Chronic Pain
  • Pediatric Gynecology – Dr. Lisa Allen at Hospital for Sick Children;
  • Sexual Medicine: Dr. Stephen Holzapfel at Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre 

This is a tertiary level program within a university hospital setting.  This is a 2 year fellowship, with the option of a third year depending on the clinical needs and academic plans of the trainee.  A Master of Science degree may be incorporated into a third year of training. Areas of special interest are: laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy, mid-urethral slings, laparoscopic Burch, revision of mesh complications, urodynamics, intravesical Botox (and exposure to neurostimulation), anorectal dysfunction including a Post-Partum Perineal Clinic, geriatric Urogynaecology, chronic pain syndromes, pessary fitting, clinical research and basic science research (with protected research time).

Training begins with clinical exposure in the ambulatory clinic, cystoscopy suite, and operating room.  Educational activities include didactic teaching at Urogynaecology Rounds and critical appraisal at Journal Clubs, together with residents and medical students.  Training continues with performance of surgery in complex cases, and subspecialty exposure to colorectal surgery, anorectal motility, neurostimulation, etc. 

The program is actively involved in clinical research, as well basic science research regarding the genetic etiology of pelvic floor dysfunction. Mentorship is provided to plan and conduct research projects, with protected research time. It is expected that each fellow design, complete, and submit for publication in a peer reviewed journal, at least one investigator originated research project. Fellows coming from other university training programs and/or foreign countries, to which they will return following completion of their fellowship, are encouraged to have funding from their core university program or government sponsorship.

Potential fellows must have completed their basic core training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and have successfully passed the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada examinations. Equal qualifications would include successful examinations from the United Kingdom or the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (candidates who are board eligible are also acceptable for our program).

It is preferred that new fellows have had at least a 6-week to 3-month rotation on the Urogynaecology service during their core training at their own university centre, or have taken an elective rotation offered through our own program to outside residents. Our core residency training program in Obstetrics and Gynaecology accepts qualified residents from acceptable training programs for a 4-6 week elective.

The members of the Division of Urogynaecology evaluate fellows every 6 months.  The fellow must have successfully completed the first year of training in order to proceed to the subsequent year.  Foreign trained residents must complete a 12 week PEAP assessment (Pre-Entry Assessment Program) at the beginning of the fellowship.

The Urogynaecology program has regularly scheduled educational activities, which include bi-monthly Urogynaecology Rounds, and monthly Journal Clubs for critical appraisal of evidence based literature. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has weekly Grand Rounds as well as evening Journal Clubs. Fellows are involved in teaching of medical students and residents. As well, fellows participate in a postgraduate course in Critical Appraisal and Biostatistics.

The Setting: Mount Sinai Hospital 

The Urogynaecology Unit at Mount Sinai Hospital is a busy clinical investigative and research unit involved in caring for women with complex genitourinary and pelvic floor problems. Approximately 2000 new consultations are seen per year; with follow-up visits, approximately 6000 women with pelvic floor disorders are assessed per year. The unit is a referral center for interesting surgical problems, many of which involve previous failed continence and pelvic floor operations, and other genitourinary procedures. In the combined units, approximately 500 major genitourinary surgical cases are performed annually.

For further information or a complete application package, please contact Dr. D. Lovatsis by e-mail at Danny.Lovatsis@sinaihealth.ca