On behalf of the UofT Placenta Percreta Team, Drs. Ally Murji (Assistant Professor) and John Kingdom (Chair of ObGyn) published the ultrasound and cystoscopy findings of a rare case of placenta percreta invading the bladder in the August 15th issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Placenta percreta is a condition where placenta attaches itself and grows through the uterus and potentially to the nearby organs (such as the bladder). According to the authors, "true bladder invasion is rare in placenta percreta, but can be recognized with a combination of ultrasound with a filled bladder, MR imaging, and for confirmation, using cystoscopy as the initial surgical step".
Along with Drs. Rory Windrim (Professor), Jose Carvalho (Professor), Lisa Allen (Professor) and principal author Sebastian Hobson (Assistant Professor), the team recently published the SOGC Clinical Practice Guideline "Screening, Diagnosis and Management of Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders (PASD)" in the July 2019 issue of JOGC. Dr. Hobson presented the Guideline at the International PASD meeting, held in London UK on September 12th.
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