Mar 5, 2015

Summer 2015 Work Study Program is Now Open

Research day

The Summer 2015 Work Study Program is Now Open!

The Work Study Program is an opportunity for appointed University of Toronto Faculty and Staff to provide meaningful work experiences for students to help them to develop their knowledge, skills, and experience through on-campus work opportunities.

For full details on eligibility, funding, the CCR and posting a job, please visit the Career Learning Network (CLN). To post a position, please log in to your Career Learning Network account.

  • Only appointed Faculty and Staff may submit jobs and supervise students (PhD candidates, Post-doctoral fellows, and casual staff are not eligible to submit jobs or supervise students);
  • Students must be taking, at minimum, a 40% course load continuously from May-August;
  • The job submitted must not take the place or be construed as taking the place of an FTE, PTE or casual staff, and must qualify for the Co-Curricular Record (CCR) (this is automatically entered through CLN)
  • The job submission is the same as the job posting form and is managed through the CLN. You must have a CLN account to participate in this program (click here to register); 
  • The University will cover 80% of the student’s $11.00/hour wage (and vacation pay and benefits); your Department is responsible for the remaining 20% - please ensure you have this funding in place prior to submitting a job 

For questions about funding, paying students, eligibility, or outstanding issues from the Fall-Winter program, please contact Nina Luciano at Enrolment Services, at (416) 978-7960 or

The 2015 Work Study Summer program runs between May 4th - August 7th, 2015.

Key Summer Work-Study Dates:

March 2nd-March 27th: Job submission period on CLN – postings will not be accepted after March 27th

April 17th: By this date employers will notified of job approval

April 20th-May 22nd: Jobs visible to students on CLN

May 4th: Students may begin work

May 29th: Deadline date to hire and submit hiring forms to Enrolment Services

For further questions regarding job postings or program details, please review the website then reach out to Megan Whitehead-Douglas, Coordinator, Employer Recruitment & Engagement, by phone (416-978-8022) or email (