May 15, 2020

New Master's Program in Clinical Embryology Now Available

MHSc Program Banner

Master of Health Science Clinical Embryology bannerThis year, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ObGyn) has collaborated with the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology (LMP) to create a new graduate program centred on clinical embryology. The Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Laboratory Medicine degree is a two-year, full-time professional graduate program specializing in educating clinical laboratory medicine scientists in one of two fields: Pathologists' Assistant (PA) or Clinical Embryology (CE).

"Our department is proud to present Canada’s first Master’s Degree program in Clinical Embryology," said Dr. Heather Shapiro, the program's Clinical Embryology Field Director and Associate Professor with the ObGyn Department. "Embryologists are the most essential members of an IVF team. They are responsible for all the laboratory components required for creating the healthy embryos that lead to pregnancy."

The program imparts both general core knowledge, as well as the specific basic and applied principles of anatomic pathology or of assisted reproductive technology (ART) required to work as laboratory scientists. These principles are the foundation upon which PAs or CEs develop fundamental applied and practical knowledge and skills to function as competent, high quality clinical scientists. The nature of this graduate program equips trainees to apply their knowledge to complex decision making, serious ethical issues, and to develop a strong sense of personal accountability, intellectual rigour and independence.

The program is currently accepting applications and courses will begin in September 2020. More information about the program can be found on the Department of LMP's website, including eligibility, program requirements and timetables, as well as the application process.


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