Nov 29, 2019

First-Year ObGyn Residents Provide Feedback to Faculty

Feedback written on a chalk board

Feedback written on a chalk boardOur PGY1’s have now completed Transition to Discipline, the first stage of CBD.

We asked them about their experience, and we learned a lot! Here are some tips that you can employ to make CBD work better for you and our residents, based upon their feedback to us!

  1. Know your EPA’s! The title of each EPA is a clue to what knowledge/skills/attitude we want the resident to learn, but full details are available in the Royal College documents, and in the assessment tools on Elentra. For example, the EPA entitled “Initial Assessment of an OB patient” does not require a management plan!
  2. It’s hard to find time to provide good feedback. If you know the end of a nightshift is busy and everyone will be too tired, then plan to provide feedback earlier, perhaps after a specific case or interaction.
  3. Try to observe the resident in their work – not all of it, but perhaps one small part of it. This is easy in the OR, but can and should also be done in the clinic, triage or ER. Watching one five to 10 minute interaction can provide you with a lot of clues about how the resident could improve their skills.
  4. Complete the EPA form regardless of whether or not the resident has achieved autonomy; it documents feedback! Complete it ASAP – in the moment, on the resident's own device is best. We find that emailed EPA assessments are much less likely to be completed.
  5. The word ‘Autonomy' is turning out to be a tricky word for all departments. Remember, your impression that the resident is autonomous does NOT mean they are ready to graduate, will never be observed again, nor that they are ready to move on. It is an assessment of performance in one situation. If for some reason you had not been there, would they have been able to complete the task safely?


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