Oct 24, 2019

Faculty Represent UofT at Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society’s Annual Meeting

Dr Librach and Eileen McMahon transferring over CFAS presidency

Dr Librach and Eileen McMahon transferring over CFAS presidencyThe recent Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society’s (CFAS) annual meeting in Ottawa was a great success and prominently featured a few members of our Department. Dr. Cliff Librach (Professor), who has been the president of the CFAS for the past year, was the host organizer for this meeting, which celebrated the 65th anniversary of the Society.

A celebration of the society and its history took place at the president’s dinner, which was attended by some of the most prominent REI specialists from across Canada. The theme of the meeting was ‘It Takes a Village to Create an Embryo’, to emphasize that, in addition to REI physicians, it takes a large multidisciplinary team including: nurses, embryologists, andrologists, psychosocial counsellors, biochemistry laboratory scientists, geneticists, lawyers, ultrasonographers, radiologists, urologists, perinatologists, surgeons, basic scientists, clinical researchers, and administrative staff.

The outstanding invited speakers included a large number of Canadian and international experts. Dr. Ellen Greenblatt (Professor) received the Award of Excellence for outstanding contribution to and leadership in the field of Reproductive Medicine, and Eilleen McMahon, a nurse practitioner in the Mount Sinai Hospital fertility program, took over the reins from Dr. Librach to became the first nurse to be president of the society. Congratulations to all for this successful event!


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