Recently, the ObGyn Department at Mount Sinai Hospital released the names of a number of award winners from their 2020 Research Grant Competition. These awardees included 15 faculty members and six trainees from the University of Toronto's Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
The review committee had over 30 grant applications submitted for the 2020 year for awards such as the Violet River Award in Gynaecology, the Tolnai Grant and the Knox Ritchie Awards.
This award was funded by a generous donation to Dr. Ally Murji (Assistant Professor), which allowed the Mount Sinai department to fund three gynaecology-related projects.
The Mount Sinai departmental grants have been renamed the Knox Ritchie Award in honour of Dr. Knox Ritchie who significantly strengthened the department's path towards academic excellence. Dr. Knox Ritchie was the University Chair from 1992 to 2003, as well as the chief of the Mount Sinai department from 1988 to 2003. These awards were also presented to some of our department's fellows and residents.
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