The last few months have brought forward the challenges surrounding equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in a number of fields, including ObGyn. Dr. Cindy Maxwell (Division Head of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Sinai Health System) has recently collaborated with Dr. Gianni Lorello from the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine to help improve understanding of the importance of equity in ObGyn and reproductive health. Dr. Maxwell and Dr. Lorello, who both hold the position of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer at their respective University of Toronto departments, came together to write an article surrounding the issue of EDI in the field of ObGyn.
"The editorial article, published online last month in the JOGC, outlines the unique challenges we face in our medical specialty when it comes to diversity and some suggestions on how to enhance our inclusivity as a community," said Dr. Maxwell.
As stated in their article "Equity has gained importance for patient care, clinical research, and medical education. As providers of and leaders in women's reproductive health care, we may benefit from a closer examination of equitable distribution amongst ourselves. “We All Belong” is the theme of a call to action, a campaign for “excellence through equity” in our Faculty of Medicine. Situated in one of Canada's largest and most diverse cities and with numerous affiliated academic hospitals and birthing centres, we are being asked the following questions: Does our workforce, which includes obstetrical providers in family medicine and midwifery, reflect the populations we serve? How do we support those members of socially underrepresented groups with whom we work? And why do equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) matter?"
Among other goals outlined in the article, Dr. Maxwell and Dr. Lorello hope that the creation of positions like EDI Officer will become a common occurance for other departments at our University, as well as others in Toronto and around the world.
To read the full article, visit the JOGC website.
To read more about EDI at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, see our EDI section. You can also read our Department's protocol "Intimidation, Harassment, Discrimination and Other Forms of Unprofessional Behaviour: A Management Guideline for Learners, Faculty Members and Leaders".
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