Sep 26, 2019

Department Announces New Director of Faculty Development

Headshot of Dr. Suzanne Wong

Headshot of Dr. Suzanne WongWritten by: Dr. John Kingdom, Chair of the University of Toronto's Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Suzanne Wong (Core ObGyn, St. Joseph’s Health Centre) will assume the role of Director of Faculty Development, effective January 1st, 2020 for an initial five-year term.

Suzanne received her medical school training at Harvard University, 1991-1995, followed by her residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard University, graduating in 1999. From 1999-2003 she held an attending staff position in ObGyn at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, prior to locating to her present staff position at St. Joseph’s Health Centre here in Toronto in 2003. From 2003-2010 she was Medical Director of Obstetrics, and in 2010-2011 she served as Interim Chief. She has held several senior leadership positions at St. Joseph’s Health Centre, including President of the Medical Staff Association, 2012-2015.

Suzanne has been very involved in education, being site director for the undergraduate MD program 2004-2013, and has served on our Department undergraduate MD program committee 2004-2014. She has received numerous teaching awards, six in total in her career at U of T, including Excellence in Undergraduate Education in 2008 and 2012, and most recently the Chair’s Award for Excellence in Continuing Medical Education in 2016. In her own professional development, she has undertaken the Rotman School of Management Physician Leadership Program in 2009 and more recently is a graduate of the U of T Education Scholars Program in 2014.

Suzanne has major clinical interests in both substance use disorders in pregnancy and in the development of ultrasound skills during residency training. She holds a cross-appointment in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, and in 2018 became a member of the Canadian College of Family Physicians. Based on all of her academic achievements, she was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015.

Suzanne, therefore, brings a wealth of clinical and educational experience to the important role of Director of Faculty Development, as our residency program continues to implement Competency by Design, and our undergraduate MD program expands its curriculum for Obstetrics and Gynaecology across each of the four years of training.

I wish to express my deep gratitude, on behalf of the entire department, to Dr. Filomena Meffe, for serving in this directorship role with distinction and great enthusiasm since her appointment in January 2013. We will celebrate Fil’s successful seven-year term at our annual Faculty Professional Development Day (FPDD) on Monday, November 11th, at the Vaughan Estates of Sunnybrook, and in tandem welcome Suzanne to her new role. All UofT ObGyn Faculty are free to join me in thanking Fil for her dedicated work in Faculty Development and in wishing Suzanne every success in this important leadership role.​ I look forward to seeing as many faculty as can make it to our FPDD event.

Are you a UofT ObGyn Faculty Member who would like to attend our Faculty Professional Development Day? To learn more about this event and/or to register, you can visit our events section.


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