Apr 29, 2019

CREMS and Chair's Award Winners Announced

Trainee with faculty member

Trainee with faculty memberWe are pleased to announce the winners of the Chair’s Summer Student Awards and the CREMS Summer Research Program Awards! We received a number of interesting and wide-reaching research project proposals from our faculty members and are pleased to see so much interest in expanding research at our department.

Our faculty did incredibly well with this year’s CREMS Awards from the UofT MD Program, with 13 out of the 49 grants being awarded to our department’s faculty members. That’s 27% of the total CREMS awards!

Thirteen more faculty members received the Chair’s Summer Student Award, providing wonderful research opportunities for our trainees!

Below are the names of the award winners (listed alphabetically) and the titles of their research projects. Congratulations to all!


  • Dr. Janet BodleyGossip and Psychological Safety in the medical learning environment
  • Dr. Genevieve Bouchard-FortierPredictors of Anastomotic Leak in Ovarian Cancer Patients
  • Dr. Rohan D’Souza TBA
  • Dr. Liat HogenVenous thromboembolic events in ovarian clear cell carcinoma: Incidence, risk factors and effects on survival when compared with different epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes
  • Dr. Rose KungLaser vaginal treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence: a randomized controlled trial
  • Dr. Noor LadhaniTBA
  • Dr. Patricia LeeDoes Laser vaginal therapy improve Menopause Symptoms?
  • Dr. Ann Kinga MalinowskiRisk Factors for postnatal SCD-related maternal complications in women with Sickle Cell Disease
  • Dr. Stefania RonzoniAccuracy and acceptability of Universal cervical length screening and its impact on prediction of preterm birth in a tertiary level centre
  • Dr. Amanda SelkPodcasts and social media: creating and assessing a new learning tool for vulvovaginal disease education
  • Dr. Lindsay ShirreffGreater Toronto Area Surgical Gynaecology Quality Scorecard
  • Dr. Eliane Shore Minimizing OR Cancellations, Maximizing OR Utilization: A Pilot Study
  • Dr. Mark YudinBarriers to Successful  Resident Research: A Mixed-Methods Analysis


  • Dr. May Alarab -Long-term experience of modified McCall culdoplasty in women undergoing vaginal hysterectomy for pelvic organ prolapse - a 10 year follow up
  • Dr. Anne BerndlPregnancy Outcomes in Women with Spina Bifida
  • Dr. Crystal ChanEvaluation of DNA fragmentation index as a predictor of pregnancy outcome in intrauterine insemination cycles
  • Dr. Lilian GienManagement of Malignant Bowel Obstruction in Patients with Advanced Gynecologic Malignancies
  • Dr. Ellen GreenblattBlastocyst mitochondrial DNA copy number as a marker for reproductive outcome
  • Dr. Claire JonesReducing Unnecessary Day 3 Bloodwork and Ultrasound for Intercourse and IUI Treatment Cycles
  • Dr. Nucelio LemosThe impact of gabapentin-baclofen suppositories on chronic pelvic pain - a pilot prospective cohort
  • Dr. Colleen McDermott The Efficacy of Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Urodynamic Testing in Women in the Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections
  • Dr. Nir MelamedThe Predictive Value of Sonographic Placental Study for Placental Complications in Women with Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Dr. Sarah SinasacThe Burden of Obesity and Metabolic Disease in Gynecologic Oncology Patients
  • Dr. John SnelgroveDoes preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) affect clinical measures of placental dysfunction in IVF pregnancies
  • Dr. Wendy WhittleIntrapartum fetal blood lactate sampling to reduce caesarean sections - A feasibility study
  • Dr. Rhonda ZwingermanThe impact of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy on prenatal screening patterns and results


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