The initiative was called inSpeculum: An Art Exhibit for Cervical Cancer Awareness. During Cervical Cancer Awareness week, an “art meets education” event was held at the Christie Refugee Welcome Centre on November 9, 2015, where women were given an interactive talk on cervical cancer and an opportunity to handle and decorate speculums.
The residents brought ample art supplies and guided the women in painting speculums with cytobrushes and decorating them with crafty items such as stickers, pompoms, feathers, and glitter. Fifteen women participated in this event. At its conclusion, the women and their families were invited to present their work at an Art Exhibit that was planned to further promote cervical cancer awareness. This was held at a venue in downtown Toronto and over 50 attendees joined us to celebrate the speculum art created by the refugee women.
The event was a huge success for both the residents and the women from the refugee centre, and we are so excited to be a part of this advocacy program!