
Gail Robinson

Core Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Psychiatry


Headshot of Dr. Robinson
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Clinical Interests
reproductive psychiatry, violence against women
Appointment Status

Dr. Gail Erlick Robinson is a Professor of Psychiatry and Obstetrics/Gynaecology, University of Toronto. She was cofounder of the University of Toronto’s Women’s Mental Health Program. She has a special interest in the psychological aspects of women’s reproductive life and violence against women. She has won the YWCA Women of Distinction Award and the Alexandra Symond’s Award from the American Psychiatric Association for outstanding and sustained contributions to women’s mental health and the advancement of women. She has twice won an award in the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada championship category for her work with women. In 2013, she was appointed to the Order of Ontario and in 2017 she was appointed to the Order of Canada for her advocacy work for women.


Research Synopsis


Research by Dr. Robinson can be found under the citation G. Erlick Robinson.



Cross-appointment: Psychiatry