Associate Professor

Andrea Jurisicova

Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility


Mount Sinai Hospital
Research Interests
Infertility (Female)
Appointment Status

Andrea Jurisicova obtained her BSc degree from Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia in the field of Genetics and Molecular biology. During the last two years of her studies, she also worked as an embryologist in the IVF clinic. This exposure to the clinical environment prompted her interest in a high rate of embryo demise and low implantation rate in infertile patients. Upon her move to Canada, she completed the MSc degree in Reproductive Physiology, followed by PhD in Developmental biology, both at the University of Toronto. During her postdoctoral training, done at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School she focused her attention on the regulation of cell death in the female gonad, with a particular interest in germ cells. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Departments of Ob&Gyn and Physiology at the University of Toronto, as well as Investigator at Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital. She maintains a close collaboration with IVF units and remains focused on basic research with a translational potential related to female infertility. Dr. Jurisicova’s research focuses on molecular pathways involved in oocyte endowment and survival, genetic regulation of preimplantation embryo development and trophoblast lineage establishment and maintenance.


Research Synopsis


Research by Andrea Jurisicova can be found under the citation Jurisicova A.



Cross-appointment: Physiology