Apr 12, 2019  |  7:30am - 2:30pm

CBD Development Day

Department Event

Please sign up and attend our Competence by Design Development (CBD) Day! This is an important opportunity to learn more about CBD, the EPAs that apply to our specialty and how implementation is anticipated to change the training of our residents. You will also learn about practical tips and tricks to assist you in navigating this transition.

Click here to register!

(Deadline to register in March 31, 2019)


Start TImeagenda item
7:30AMWelcome and Registration

Interhospital Rounds

Competence by Design in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

8:45AMCoffee and Pastry Break

Workshops #1 - Interactive Sessions (45 minutes)

Room 1 - Let's look at our EPAs
Room 2 - How do I actually do this? Nuts and bolts of the digital tools
Room 3 - Workplace-based assessment: strategies for success


Workshops #2 - Interactive Sessions (45 minutes)

Same topics as above, enabling attendees to participate in each workshop


Workshops #2 - Interactive Sessions (45 minutes)

Same topics as above, enabling attendees to participate in each workshop


Large Group Session (1 hour)

Coaching in CBD


Lunch and Panel Discussion (45 minutes)

CBD: What's new and what's the same?


Focused Break-Out Sessions (1 hour)

For individuals with specific educational roles

Room 1 - Competence Committee
Room 2 - Longitudinal Ambulatory Rotation (LAR) Supervisors
Room 3 - Rotation and Site Coordinators
Room 4 - Residents and Fellows



Nicole Patton | Communications and Events Assistant