Chair’s Summer Student Award

As part of the Chair’s Summer Student Program, this award will provide funding for faculty members to provide training opportunities for students interested in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  


All faculty members who have a primary appointment with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and engaged in research projects are encouraged to apply.

To Apply

Interested faculty members must contact to obtain the application package.

If a student has been selected, please include his/her:

  • CV
  • Statement of Intent (250 words)

If a student has not been identified by the application due date, please submit the student's CV and statement of intent once the student is identified. If the faculty member is unable to identify a student by April, the award will be rescinded.

Deadlines and Due Dates

The completed applications are due on February 20, 2019 and annually thereafter.


The applications will be evaluated by the research committee and the results will be announced as soon as possible.

Terms and Conditions

Funding cannot be used to fund a student registered in a thesis-based graduate program at a Canadian University. If the faculty member is unable to identify a student by April, the award will be rescinded.

Mandatory Deliverables

Each student and faculty team must submit a picture of them TOGETHER as well as a brief one paragraph description of the experience by August 1. This will be published in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Annual Report.