—Dr. Michèle Farrugia, Director, Residency Program
A big thank you to everyone who works so hard to ensure our residents are learning and thriving. It takes not just a village but a big city to ensure our 75 (75! Biggest group ever!) residents have the skills and knowledge they need upon graduation.
Our work on the learning environment continues. As you may recall, this was the only significant area of concern raised at accreditation in 2020. An action plan has been developed and we are working towards resolving this issue by the time we submit a follow-up report to the RCPSC in 2023. Thank you for your continued and sustained attention to ensuring all our residents can learn and grow in an environment that is suitably challenging but also nurturing. Thank you to Dr. Suzanne Wong for keeping this issue front and centre at Faculty Professional Development Day.
In this newsletter, I would like to highlight the work of our colleagues in the community who welcome our residents and have responded to our requests for both continued and new learning opportunities:
With COVID-related capacity limits and increased residents in some cohorts, we have sought to offer some rotations at new sites. Many thanks to the faculty at these hospitals who, without exception, responded positively to our requests for learning opportunities: