Jan 30, 2017

Statement from the Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers


Statement from the Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers 

Re: Recent United States Immigration/Refugee Ban 

The Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers is a group of physicians, nurses and allied health care providers across North America who work with patients who have been directly impacted by President Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugee travel. In our medical practices, we see newly arrived refugees, many of whom come to our communities from the seven countries included in the travel ban. 

Refugees are among the most vulnerable members of society who come to North America for peace, freedom, and to escape war and terrorism. These families, our patients, have overcome immense obstacles to escape persecution and torture, and eventually become some of the most productive members of our society. We celebrate their strength and resilience. Refugees to North America face intense scrutiny before they arrive. There is absolutely no evidence to label them as terrorists. These actions have put innocent lives at the mercy of politics. 

The fabric of North America has be built by newcomers. We will continue to embrace democracy, tolerance, inclusiveness and respect of those different from us. Healthcare providers stand behind our Muslim brothers and sisters and stand against bigotry and racism. We stand firmly against the immigration and refugee ban and plan to challenge it in any way possible until it is rescinded. 

James Sutton, PA-C, DFAAPA
Executive Director, 
Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers 

Anna Banerji, O.Ont, MD, MPH, FRCPC,
DTM&H Board President, 
Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers
